Let it be known that I am a big kid at heart. Anything that appeals to the inner child in me is going to be embraced with open arms. Sack, the first book in the Slasherton series, is written in the style of a childrens story, and comes across as Dr. Seuss for adults. It is funny, violent and very un-PC, and it rhymes! It reads incredibly easily, and both the illustrations and prose bought an instant smile to my face. The character of Sack is well realized and bought to life in vivid colour and detailed illustrations that give sack life, and what a crazy life it is, full of murder, mayhem and self pleasure.
He really is one crazy character that enjoys nothing more than slicing and stabbing people. I could also liken it to a more twisted version of the Mr Men. More twisted meaning it features a fair amount of gore and inappropriate humor, which certainly works in it's favor.
I recommend this book to anyone with a fascination in the macabre. Fans of horror movies, Troma, South Park and Family Guy are going to love this, as the crazy sense of humor and playfully horrific images run riot on every page. The characters of Slasherton, and these books are going to be big. They appeal to the inner child in us all, and everyone wants to feel that sense of nostalgia time and time again. Sack allows you to feel this, while telling a thoroughly adult story in a way that everyone can understand.
Both Creep Creepersin (who wrote Sack) and Zoe Humphries (who bought the character to life with eye popping illustrations) have hit on something special here, and I am sure it will be embraced not only by the horror community, but by anyone looking to capture that feeling of nostalgia all over again.
You can purchase Sack: Slasherton: 1 from Amazon.co.uk by clicking HERE.
You can purchase Sack: Slasherton: 1 from Amazon.com by clicking HERE.
You can also go on over and 'Like' the Slasherton Facebook page by clicking HERE.
Darkest regards......Dani.
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