Imagine my surprise when I found an invitation in my 'messages' on Facebook, to watch Sodomaniac, a long awaited slasher movie that I have been eagerly awaiting , and I can tell you right away that it did not disappoint in any way, shape or form. This is a rape/revenge movie with a difference.
The film tells the story of a group of ill-mannered slimeball men, who refer to themselves as 'The Wolfpack'. Their modus-operandi is to drug women, and then to have their wicked way with them. After attending a party, one of the group is murdered by a masked killer who sodomises the man to death. (Yes, sodomises him. To death). We then find out that each member of the womanizing wolfpack are in danger from The Sodomaniac.
The very idea of this film may sound crude, (A rape/revenge movie where male victims are practically sodomized to death) and it is. Brilliantly so in fact. The effects are well handled, and the killers mask (which is basically a bottom/bum/arse/ass) adds underlying humour to his appearences, as well as the obligatory chills he brings. His penchant for sodomising drunken men also adds a darker side for male viewers, which is something different in rape/revenge movies, as the majority of these films seem to focus more on females being raped and getting their revenge rather than men.
Sleaze and depravity seep from every second of film, and the balance of horror and humour is handled incredibly well. The effects do not come across as over the top or silly, which is something that might have pushed Sodomaniac too far into the realm of parody. They remain rooted in reality, and are all the more shocking for it. The kills happen onscreen, and are pretty damn inventive and fantastic!
Sodomaniac has all of the right ingredients to be an underground classic. My advice is to check it out as soon as you possibly can. Prepare to be offended, horrified and tickled. It's all part of Sodomaniac's charm. If you want something as dark as it is crude, as offensive as it is fun, you will find all that and more in Sodomaniac. Go check it out, and watch your back(side)!
Darkest regards......Dani.
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