Frankenfake is the new documentary from Joe Castro and Steven Escobar, and shows the lengths people will go to to keep things from the general public in the name of 'Entertainment'. The film documents events leading up to Joe's decision to leave the SyFy Channel's show 'Face Off', and the aftermath of lies, rumours and character defamation that Joe was put through.
The documentary really is enlightening, and shows things that many of us think about reality television to be real. This film couldn't have been easy to make, as taking on a television network, ex-friends and collegues amongst others must have been incredibly difficult. But as anyone knows, the truth never seems to come easy when up against multiple people all sprouting the same lies again and again.
The documentary shows who these people really are through actual raw footage and re-enactments, and I have to say, both Steven and Joe definitely have my respect for standing up for themselves and showing anyone who is willing to watch and listen the truth about reality television.
It shows how 'Face Off' is manipulated, how the winner is chosen before the show is no where near the closing stages, and how the editors edit things into the show to make peoples reactions seem much different than what truly happened.
I really feel for Joe and Steven, and how Joe was treated was absolutely disgusting, especially in an alledged competition that is supposed to show off the talents of special effects artists, and one that tried to convince him that they had his best interests at heart.
Frankenfake is such an eye opener, and really goes beyond the exploits of what happened on 'Face Off', making you doubt things you see on any 'reality' show you watch. These people should not make a living on the face of lies. And when they use these lies to defame someone and attempt to make them something they are not, then things definitely have gone way too far.
I have been in contact with Joe Castro through social media for the past six years, and in all these years, Joe has been nothing but amicable, professional and has professed a love for the genre he works in and we all love.
If you want to have your eyes opened to the terrible goings-on, then you can rent Frankenfake by clicking HERE. The lies will dissapear before your eyes, and I am sure that after viewing it, you will never look at 'reality TV' in the same way again.
Darkest regards......Dani.
I cannot believe you swallowed this uncooked tripe that Joe and Steven were serving up. This documentary is nothing more than a revenge piece, its 80 minutes of Joe bitching and moaning and spouting conspiracy theories that have NO BASIS in reality.