
Sunday 27 March 2016

Collar (2014) review by Dani Carnage.


A few weeks ago, I finally got hold of a copy of Ryan Nicholson's 'Collar'. After thouroughly enjoying Live Feed, Gutterballs and Hangar, I was looking forward to seeing what Plottdigger films had to offer. I was surprised at just how mean spirited and utterly depraved Collar is, and it is all the better for it.

Collar follows a hulking homeless man named 'Massive' (played to perfection by Nick Principe), who has a reputation for Satanism and extreme violence, on his trail of murder and abuse. A rookie cop is held against her will by Massive, but this is only the start of her nightmare and of Massive's ritualistic abuse and torture'.

Nothing could have prepared me for what Collar shows on screen. While Hangar pushed the boundaries with gross-out humour which worked with the paralell of gruesome shocks, Collar ditches the humour altogether. This is a horror film that excels in making the viewer feel like they are experiencing something very 'wrong'. The grime, brutality and debauchery present in this film seeps from every frame. This is a film that violates your senses in every way possible, and does not let up through its running time.

The brutality in this film will be uncomfortable viewing for many, but I can't help but feel that is the point. Horror films work better when the directors pull no punches, allowing the viewer to feel like they are in the hands of a madman, not able to second guess what is going to happen next. Not only does Collar succeed in this respect, but it pushes so many boundaries that it becomes a test of endurance just to make it to the end.

Collar is the perfect film for horror fans who are bored by the recent crop of CGI ghosts and such like. Its horrors are real, and there are no punches pulled. While it might not be for everyone, it is for those who like to see boundaries broken again and again. Although it may feel like you need to shower to wash the filth off you after viewing Collar, it is a fantastic film and manages to fit so much depravity into a 70-plus minute running time, it'll leave you breathless and disgusted.

Darkest regards......Dani.

P.S There is an Indiegogo campaign to help Ryan, Meg and Tyler Nicholson. I implore you to go over and read about the campaign and share/donate/ if you can. There are only four days left, so lets do all we can to help reach the target!

To check out the indiegogo and either share or donate (or do both) just click HERE.

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